The Machinist

“How can I be lonely when I have you to keep me company?” —Trevor Reznik

Today’s quick review: The Machinist. Trevor Reznik (Christian Bale), a worker in a machine shop, has suffered from insomnia for over a year. His body has become emacited, his behavior has grown erratic, and he suffers from odd lapses of memory and attention. But when Trevor’s distraction on the job costs a fellow worker his arm, he spirals further into paranoia, struggling to decipher the clues of just what is happening to him.

The Machinist is a psychological horror movie that follows an insomniac’s mental breakdown as it progresses from bad to worse. The Machinist is an impressive movie that makes the most of its compelling premise. Christian Bale throws himself into the role of Trevor Reznik, a likable but deeply troubled man whose psyche is beginning to split at the seams. His performance walks the line between rational and irrational, keeping Trevor sympathetic even at his most erratic.

The Machinist does an expert job at maintaining tension. The plot begins as a slow boil, but it escalates as Trevor begins to come undone. Even the tiniest details serve to escalate the tension, from the odd deja vu Trevor experiences to his use of harsh chemicals instead of soap. The movie is also packed with hidden foreshadowing, so that the ending, when it comes, makes sense of peculiar elements the viewer never realized were clues.

Watch The Machinist when you are in the mood for a tense, brooding mystery. The film’s tight execution and expert handling of its tone make it a worthwhile watch for anyone willing to put up with its dark subject matter. Those looking for a darkly humorous take on similar themes should check out Fight Club, while those looking for a thriller in a similar vein should check out Memento.

7.7 out of 10 on IMDB. I give it a 7.5 for a great premise and impressive execution.

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