
Today’s quick review: Kickboxer. When American kickboxing champion Eric Sloane (Dennis Alexio) is paralyzed in a fight by Thai champion Tong Po (Michel Qissi), his brother Kurt (Jean-Claude Van Damme) swears revenge. To stand a chance at defeating Tong Po, Kurt must train with Xian (Dennis Chan), a reclusive master, in the art of Muay Thai. But even with his newfound prowess, Kurt faces a formidable challenge that could cost him his life.

Kickboxer is a martial arts action movie about a young fighter’s quest for revenge. Set in Thailand, Kickboxer showcases the martial art of Muay Thai and its powerful kicks. The movie sticks with a straightforward story: Kurt trains intensely for his fight against Tong Po and vies against Tong Po’s dirty tactics in and out of the ring. Remarkable athletics and decent overall execution are enough to make Kickboxer a fine but unexceptional pick.

Kickboxer is at its best when Kurt is training. The techniques Xian uses to build him up into a fighter are varied and interesting, and they give Jean-Claude Van Damme ample opportunity to show off his strength. The fights themselves are a mixed bag. Their solid hits and impressive feats of athleticism will appeal to action fans, but they lack the speed, frequency, and imagination of other martial arts films.

Kickboxer does miss an opportunity with its characters and story. Kurt, Xian, and the other are likable but not especially memorable, enough to make the movie pleasant but not enough to make it moving. The story is single-minded in its focus on the conflict with Tong Po. There are a few diversions, such as Kurt’s romance with Mylee (Rochelle Ashana), but otherwise the plot is a straight shot from Eric’s paralysis to Kurt’s climactic fight.

Watch Kickboxer when you’re in the mood for a bit of action rooted in a particular martial arts tradition. Kickboxer does not offer anything special in terms of story, but its solid stunts, serviceable story, and a good mixture of levity and drama make it a worthwhile watch for fans of the genre. Steer clear if you’re looking for brilliance on either the action or the story sides.

For a remake with a less compelling story and shakier execution, try Kickboxer: Vengeance. For a more aggressive, action-packed use of Muay Thai, try The Protector. For another underdog story about training to fight, try Rocky. For a much darker crime drama set in Thailand, try Only God Forgives.

6.4 out of 10 on IMDB. I give it a 6.5 for shallow but satisfying action.

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