
“Don’t just stand there. Kill someone!” —Autolycus

Today’s quick review: Hercules. The legend of Hercules (Dwayne Johnson) has spread far and wide, growing with each telling. Hercules and his band of mercenaries use this to their advantage to intimidate their enemies and inspire their allies. Contemplating retirement, Hercules decides to take one last, lucrative job: quelling a revolt in Thrace led by the warlord Rhesus (Tobias Santelmann) and restoring Lord Cotys (John Hurt) to the throne.

Hercules is an action adventure movie loosely based on Greek mythology. Hercules reimagines the famous hero as a powerful but mortal warrior, whose exploits, though impressive, have been exaggerated. The movie is a cleanly executed take on the action genre that puts Dwayne Johnson to good use. Solid action, likable characters, and a decent story make it an enjoyable watch, but only for those who are willing to meet the movie on its own terms.

For all that Hercules subverts the literal truth of the Hercules myth, it stays true to its spirit of adventure. Hercules may not fight monsters, apart from those found in the tales about him, but his prowess on the battlefield nonetheless marks him as a hero. The balance between his inflated reputation and the man he actually is gives the character some tension to work with, while his fighting skill and kind heart make him an easy protagonist to root for.

Hercules also features a surprisingly satisfying story. Though not high drama, the story shows more care than the typical action movie, foreshadowing later developments and setting up a basic but complete arc for Hercules himself. The characters are simply drawn and likable, in particular the wry seer Amphiaraus (Ian McShane), and each one gets a few good moments. The writing and acting are far from brilliant, but they suit the needs of the movie well.

Beyond these unique touches, Hercules is a typical action movie. The fight scenes are exciting and nicely varied, but they hold few surprises. The battles have the right sense of scope: larger than just Hercules and his warriors, but not beyond their ability to make a difference. The film does have a tendency to paint by the numbers whenever there are any doubts about what to do. Many of its beats are predictable, and it takes relatively few risks.

Watch Hercules when you’re in the mood for a feel-good action flick with a decent story. Hercules is a solid action movie that entertains without overstepping its capabilities. Steer clear if you’re looking for a deep film or a literal take on the myth. For a more stylized reinterpretation of an ancient legend, try King Arthur: Legend of the Sword. For another Dwayne Johnson action movie set in the ancient world, check out The Scorpion King.

6.0 out of 10 on IMDB. I give it a 7.0 for fun action and a story that achieves what it sets out to do.

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