The Transporter Refueled

Today’s quick review: The Transporter Refueled. Frank Martin (Ed Skrein), an elite driver with a special forces background, gets dragged into a war between ex-prostitute Anna (Loan Chabanol) and her abusive pimp Arkady (Radivoje Bukvic) when Anna kidnaps Frank’s father (Ray Stevenson). To free his father, Frank must help Anna steal documents from Arkady’s lieutenants that will give her access to Arkady’s vast criminal fortune.

The Transporter Refueled is an action movie about a driver roped into a series of dangerous crimes. The fourth film in the Transporter series replaces Jason Statham with Ed Skrein, kicking off a new adventure with a new cast of characters. The movie aims for the same blend of high-octane car chases and martial arts action as the previous films. However, basic stunts and a weak lead make it a subpar choice as far as the action genre goes.

The Transporter Refueled never pushes itself as much as its predecessors. The action scenes are passable but not memorable, with the usual car stunts, hand-to-hand combat, and firefights. The movie tries something original with one or two fights, including a fight between two walls of drawers, but these never rise above the level of midly interesting.

The Transporter Refueled also misses with its characters. Ed Skrein makes for a lackluster Frank Martin, with none of the charisma or menace that Jason Statham brought to the role. Ray Stevenson fares a little better as Frank’s dad, a retired spy and ladies’ man, but the move presumes a rapport between them that doesn’t really exist. Loan Chabanol lacks the spark to make her part stand out, making Anna little more than a plot device.

The Transporter Refueled is a marked step down from the previous Transporter movies. Fans of budget action flicks may get something out of the movie, as it checks off the basics of the genre. But even among the budget offerings, there are movies with better stunts, more experimental plots, or more memorable failures. Give The Transporter Refueled a shot only if you’re looking for a bit of action and don’t need to be impressed.

For a better take on the character, try The Transporter or its other sequels. For another Jason Statham action movie that shows more creativity, try The Mechanic or its sequel. For a car-focused series of action movies with larger budgets and sharper writing, try any of the Fast & Furious movies.

[5.2 out of 10 on IMDB]( I give it a 5.0 for low-effort action, a weak lead, and a mediocre story.

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