The Last Boy Scout

“Give me the keys or I shoot the kid.” —Joe

Today’s quick review: The Last Boy Scout. Joe Hallenbeck (Bruce Willis), a washed-up private eye, teams up with Jimmy Dix (Damon Wayans), a disgraced football star, to figure out who killed Cory (Halle Berry), the dancer Jimmy was dating. Following the clues the police won’t, Joe and Jimmy uncover a blackmail scheme involving Shelly Marcone (Noble Willingham), the owner of the LA Stallions, and Senator Calvin Baynard (Chelcie Ross).

The Last Boy Scout is a crime drama with comedy elements starring Bruce Willis and Damon Wayans. The murder of a woman brings together two different men: a detective with a checkered past and a fraying marriage, and an ex-football player facing demons of his own. In between bickering with each other, dodging murderers, and evading the suspicion of the cops, Joe and Jimmy begin to unravel a dangerous conspiracy.

The Last Boy Scout benefits from a solid story and a well-matched pair of leads. The plot fits comfortably in with other private investigations, an initial crime that blossoms into something bigger. The movie gets most of its character from Joe and Jimmy. The men are a litle hard to warm up to, but once they hit their stride, their easy banter and unconventional approach to crime fighting make everything click.

The main caveat for The Last Boy Scout is that it does a mediocre job of mixing its darker elements with its comedy. Joe and Jimmy crack jokes like they are in a pure action romp, but the content of the story is serious and the encounters can be fairly violent. The heroes also skew rougher than they need to. Both men have deep personal problems, and their abrasive personalities take a long time to get used to.

The end result is an interesting and fairly rewarding watch, but only for viewers who can take the darker side of the story along with the comedy. The Last Boy Scout is not as calibrated as well as the best movies in its genre, but solid fundamentals when it comes to its plot and good chemistry between Willis and Wayans make it worth trying.

For a snappier crime comedy with a similar setup from the same writer, try The Nice Guys. For another Los Angeles-based investigation with a dash of comedy, try Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. For a more action-oriented buddy cop movie from the same writer, try Lethal Weapon.

[7.0 out of 10 on IMDB]( I give it a 6.5 to 7.0 for an enjoyable investigation with slight tonal issues.

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