An Extremely Goofy Movie

“Do you ever wonder why we’re always, like, wearing gloves?” —Bobby

Today’s quick review: An Extremely Goofy Movie. Max Goof (Jason Marsden) is excited to leave for college, where he hopes to make his mark by beating Bradley Uppercrust III (Jeff Bennett) in the College X Games. But his dreams hit a snag when his father Goofy (Bill Farmer), recently fired from his job, returns to college to finish his degree. Now Max and his dad must find a way to get along while juggling academics, sports, and their social lives.

An Extremely Goofy Movie is an animated family comedy from Disney. The movie picks up a few years after A Goofy Movie as Max heads to college, leaving his father all alone. The sequel has the same light tone, goofy characters, and cartoonish slapstick as the original. However, it is missing some of the subtler qualities of the original. The result is an enjoyable but relatively shallow family comedy with a touch of father-son drama.

Where An Extremely Goofy Movie shines is in setting up its cartoon world. The plot would fit perfectly as a live-action comedy, but the animation lets the movie indulge in exaggerated stunts, varied character designs, and the odd dream sequence. Goofy’s clumsiness and Max’s skateboarding prowess lend themselves well to the medium. While the animation is not outstanding, it is more than enough to bring the world and the characters to life.

Still, An Extremely Goofy Movie does not have the fine touch of A Goofy Movie. The original musical numbers are gone, replaced with outside music. The premise is more forced, relying on a convoluted sequence of events to bring Max and Goofy together for more father-son bonding. None of this detracts from the movie’s strengths, but they do keep it from developing the kind of heart and artistry that lifted the first movie up.

An Extremely Goofy Movie is worth a watch for fans of the first film or anyone in the mood for an earnest, family-friendly story. Although the movie does not have much to set it apart, solid storytelling, likable characters, and a good use of the medium make it an entertaining pick for anyone who wants what it has to offer. Steer clear if you are looking for the kind of craftsmanship seen in bigger-budget Disney movies.

For a more raucous college comedy, try Animal House or Old School.

[6.4 out of 10 on IMDB]( I give it a 6.5 to 7.0 for light humor and likable characters.

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