
Today’s quick review: Self/less. Damian Hale (Ben Kingsley), a dying billionaire, pays Dr. Albright (Matthew Goode), a brilliant scientist, to transfer his consciousness into a younger, lab-grown body (Ryan Reynolds). The operation is a success, and Damian sets out into the world with a new identity and a new lease on life. But when he begins to experience strange hallucinations, he strikes out on his own to find answers.

Self/less is a science fiction thriller about an experimental medical treatment that could hold the key to immortality. Ryan Reynolds stars as Damian, a wealthy man who undergoes the procedure only to find that there are some important strings attached. The story follows Damian as he searches for answers, using a scant few clues and some of his residual wealth to unravel the secrets Dr. Albright is hiding.

The greatest strength of Self/less is its smooth plot progression. From the first introduction to Damian to the satisfying finale, the movie keeps the audience engaged with a series of unanswered questions, each one feeding into the next. Damian makes for a resourceful protagonist, and his motives strike the right balance between selfish and altruistic.

Still, Self/less is not as thematically potent as it could be, and its plot does not reach as far as other science fiction stories that explore similar technologies. The science fiction aspects of the story are mainly used to motivate the thriller side of the plot. However, Self/less knows its limitations and plans around them, resulting in a well-scoped story that lives up to its promises.

Self/less is a solid pick for fans of the sci-fi genre. It has just enough speculation to be rewarding, its mystery unfolds in a satisfying manner, and one or two moral dilemmas give the movie just enough depth. Self/less is not as visionary as some sci-fi movies or as action-packed as some thrillers, but its craftsmanship is enough to carry it.

For another sci-fi thriller about swapping consciousness into a new body, try Replicas. For a sci-fi action thriller that deals with similar themes, try The Island or Paycheck. For a more down-to-earth sci-fi thriller about a man who has to think his way out of a similar situation, try Limitless. For a more action-oriented movie about a body swap, try Face/Off.

[6.5 out of 10 on IMDB]( I give it a 7.0 for a solidly constructed story with an interesting premise.

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